Eligibility for Election as Mwito Sacco Delegate
MWITO SACCO member shall be eligible for election as Mwito delegate Committee (As per the Co-operative Societies Act and Mwito Sacco By-laws) if s/he:
- Has been a member of the Mwito Sacco Society for at least one year prior to the Delegate Election.
- Has not been adversely named by the Commissioner or his/her representative in an inquiry report endorsed by an Annual or Special Delegates Meeting for mismanagement or corrupt practices whilst still a Mwito delegate; or named in any other national inquiries where he/ she has been shown to be engaging in dishonest activities.
- Has not been adversely named by the Authority in an inspection report for mismanagement or corrupt practices while still a member of the board of a Sacco society
- The Delegate shall be elected for a term of two years. Delegates are due for re-election by members upon expiry of their term.
- Has not been charged or convicted of any offence involving dishonesty, or is imprisoned for three or more months for a crime involving fraud, perjury or breach of contract of a licensed financial institution.
- Is not delinquent on loans with the SACCO for more than 60 days within 2 years prior to elections;
- Shall have attained a minimum of “O” Level Certificate of Education or equivalent;
- Is not undischarged bankrupt;
- Is over 18 years of age;
- Is of sound mind;
- Is Not a Delegate of another existing Sacco society licensed under the Act;
- Is not an official of or holds a political office at any level
- Conforms to the minimum qualification standards in accordance to the applicable law.
- Has not been removed from public office on disciplinary action.
- Is not an employee of Mwito Sacco Society Limited.
- A delegate shall represent at least 25 (Twenty Five) members of Mwito Sacco in one location/county.
- Has attained a minimum share capital of kshs.20,000
- Has attained a minimum non-withdrawable deposit of ksh.300,000.
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